LIVE BAND LIVE BABES; a LIVE MUSIC Burlesque show where you will see something you've never seen before! No holds barred! Pedal to the metal! Balls to the wall! Full Throttle! A night to party! Are we going to invite you on stage to do a full burlesque act? Are you going to join the band and help with vocals? Are you going to make it rain on our performers?
Burlesque performers for the night include:
Blue Lightning- PioNono- Sin Silva- Tara LaValley- Miss Marquez- Plus two LIVE BAND Burlesque Roulette performers
Live Music provided by: Rusty Kennedy - Bass/Vocals, Yunus Iyriboz- Guitar, Alex Withmory - Drums, Loretta E. - Vocals, Plus surprise guests to celebrate Rusty's birthday celebration!